Friday, May 30, 2008

The Clock Tics...Children Die

The clock tics and children die. Every minute counts.

At a fairly young age, most of us realize that life can be a challenge, even when everything goes according to plan. By the time we become parents, we’ve learned to expect a few bumps in the road. But no mother or father is ever prepared for the words “Your child has a brain tumor,” or “Your child has a spinal cord tumor.”

Before anything else is said, you know life will never be the same. An unexpected, unwanted entity has invaded the very center of your family’s world. All at once, the triumphs and trials of everyday existence hold little importance.

The specter of brain cancer can be overwhelming, especially in children. Against such odds, it often seems easy to surrender to despair. Yet just as often it is the children themselves who supply the emotional foundation for hope. The courage and determination of these children and their families is just amazing.

The symptoms of brain tumors in a child often mimic those of common childhood illnesses. Because the symptoms are similar, a brain tumor is not always diagnosed when the symptoms first occur. If the symptoms persist, a parent may become increasingly concerned and ask for additional tests to determine the cause. Sometimes a child’s doctor or teacher may notice physical changes in the child that are unusual.

There is no known cause or cure of a brain tumor. They strike our children with little warning and no mercy.

It is up to us, the private sector to do all we can to support pediatric brain tumor research.

Please join us today, tomorrow, next week, etc. and make a difference. Give children HOPE.

All you need to do is skip one fast food meal and donate your lunch money to Brown Bag For A Cure. All donations go directly to the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, that is also the largest non-governmental funding agency in the world for this research.


The clock is ticking for our kids. Every minute and every dollar counts. Be a hero for the kids today ...

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