Wednesday, May 14, 2008

To Honor You

I discovered this poem on another website and wanted to share with all your moms and dads of children who are now Angels.

To Honor You

To honor you, I get up every day
And take a breath
And start another day
Without you in it.

To honor you, I laugh and love
With those who knew your smile,
And the way your eyes sparkled with joy,
Full of life.

To honor you, I take the time
To appreciate everyone I love.
I know now there is no guarantee
Of days or hours spent in their presence.

You are the light of my life,
My gift of love
From our Heavenly Father.

So every day, I vow to make a difference,
Share a smile, live, laugh, and love.
Now I live for us both.
So all I do, I do to honor you,
My precious, beautiful child.

Author Unknown

Note: I vow to Make A Difference and Honor Your Memory by doing all that is within my power to raise funds for research, so one day we will have a cure. You have my promise on this.

1 comment:

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

This is beautiful, thanks for sharing!