Sunday, June 8, 2008

Heroes and Warriors

Websters dictionary decribes a hero as 1 a: a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b: an illustrious warrior c: a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d: one that shows great courage. A warrior is described as: a person engaged in some struggle.

I would say that children with brain tumors or any cancer are true heroes and warriors. Each day they demonstrate a courage that many of us will never know and they are engaged in the struggle of their lives. The struggle to LIVE...
Nationwide there are over 30,000 of these heroes and warriors, facing daily life with a brain tumor. When was the last time you heard about these heroes on the daily news?

We mourn the deaths of people in mass shootings, airplane crashes, natural disasters, etc. but we sometimes forget about the families, that will mourn the loss of their child, that did not have to die either. Just because their death does not make the news,does not mean these children are not heroes and brave warriors too.

The incidence of brain tumors is increasing, but the answer to why is unknown. There are more that 120 different types of brain tumors. Benign tumors can come back and often end in death. Brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer death in children. 76% of all children diagnosed are under the age of 15.

These kids are fighting for a cure and time is crucial, as every minute counts. Until a cure is found, we must find better treatments. Brain tumor research is miserably underfunded. Research is the key to new and more effective treatments and research takes money....A lot of money.

Children need better treatment options...They need more help, more hope and less invasive treatments, more advanced theraphy and improved quality of life...for a healthy future.

Please help these everyday heroes and warriors by supporting pediatic brain tumor research. Every penny counts. All we are asking is that you "Brown Bag" your lunch and donate what you would have spent on lunch.

You came to this blog because a child you know and care about has a brain tumor. They could be your child, your grandchild, the child next door or from your church or maybe a child you don't even know, but pray for.

Please be a different kind of Hero (a person admired for his achievements and noble qualities) to these kids today. Lead by example with love and an out-reached hand by helping these children to climb their mountains and look to the sunlight again.

The clocks tics...Children die...Every dollar counts...

5000 Brown Baggers X $5.00 Donation = $25,000 for Research

Donate Online Here Please

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