Thursday, August 21, 2008

Stand Up To Cancer

Brown Bag For A Cure is joining others across the country in the STAND UP TO CANCER campaign and invites you to join us!

Friday, September 5th @ 8pm (EST & PST) and 7pm (CST) the three major networks will air Stand Up To Cancer, a star-studded television event to raise money for cancer research.

Some ideas for the evening....

Host a viewing party! It’s a great way to bring your family and friends together. Set up your computer and your guests can make donations online while they watch.

For everyone fighting to end cancer, this is a must watch show.
E-mail all of your friends – join in, as we as a nation, Stand Up To Cancer...

To learn more about the Stand Up To Cancer campaign, visit Stand Up To Cancer

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia will be a featured hospital as part of Stand Up 2 Cancer. Katie Couric and Abigail Breslin visited the hospital as part of the Stand Up 2 Cancer filming. Abigail met with patients, nurses, child life and others from 3south. She also filmed a public service announcement for Stand Up 2 Cancer in one patient's room.

Watch a video clip from the local news here.

Please register here... Once you are registered, go to the "Get Involved" Tab and click on "The Teams". From there you can search for a Team. Brown Bag For A Cure would be honored to have you on our TEAM.


Anonymous said...

i have joined your great team in honor of my superboy

i DID have a viewing party, and we raised a bunch of funds for STAND UP!


in faith,
dari mcmanus

Anonymous said...

I like you thought of the cancer in the Children’s. The child can face the asthma, diabetics and other disease. The cancer is more dangerous but it will be in the dangerous in childhood.
Thanks for blog.
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Rhinoplasty Los Angeles said...

We must support these acts big or small to try to eradicate cancer.They need love and care and affection from all of us.