Thursday, August 7, 2008

Everyday Is A Gift From God....

None of us know what tomorrow holds for us. What we are doing with our life this very minute is what is important. What are you doing with your time? Will you be remembered for what you did while here on earth?

At this very minute, in a hospital or clinic somewhere, parents are hearing those dreaded words, you child has cancer. Do you think they expected to hear those dreadful words?

Just look in the sidebar of this blog at all the names of children who fight a brain tumor everyday. All these families are taking life one day at a time and hoping a cure or treatment will be discovered to save their child.

Now scan down to the next section in the sidebar. The families of these children will never be the same. They have had to do the unthinkable, something no parent should have to do, bury their child.

I thank God everyday, I do not know that feeling. I do know what it feels like to hear, "your child has cancer". There are no words to describe that feeling.

Many have told me I wear my heart on my sleeve when it comes to children with brain tumors. I never try to hide my passion and determination to help find a cure or at least, better treatment options. One never knows what the future holds and that is just one of the reasons, I work everyday trying to make a difference to children everywhere. There are very few children listed here, that I have actually met in person, but that does not stop my loving and caring for each and everyone of them.

You, as a reader, do not know what the future holds for your children or a child you know. You can only hope, you never hear those dreaded words, your child has cancer and there is nothing we can do for him or her. The important issue is what we are doing right now.

My plea to you...Please choose today to make a difference and support Brown Bag For A Cure. All you need to do, is brown bag your lunch and donate what you would have spent on lunch out.

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